Monday, November 9, 2015

Red Globe Grape

Remember the Red Globe grape seeds I planted last April?(Click here for the old post)
Here's the updates. From 4 plants, only one survived the caterpillars. It's not without any challenge though, because it was once infested with scale bugs until I found that out and cleaned it by hands. Here is how it looks now...

Some other seeds never grew, then I decided to plant a mulberry cutting I got from a friend in that container. Sadly it didn't grow too, but the silver lining is a new growth has emerged! A new seedling of Red Globe Grape!! Aparently, another seed finally break down and grow! YAY!!! 

Anyway, I know that the journey is still a long way to go since it takes at least 3 years for Grape plants to bear fruit, if cultivated by seed. Still, I am celebrating the new growth and rejoicing in the process.

<Humming all the way while gardening... tra la la la....> 

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