Friday, April 10, 2015

Planting Grapes from Seeds

 Last February, I tried germinating grape seeds from the 
store-bought grapesred globe grapes and black grapes. 
I have always wanted some vines 'cause our tropical weather is perfect to plant grapes. Yet, you know that germinating grape seeds are a bit tricky as they need stratification process etc., 
just like berry seeds.
I had tried stratification process to some berry seeds I bought but none was successful. So, this time I just skip it. 
I planted them right away in my Kale bed. 
I was planning to just give it a shot.
To my surprise, two of them grows in that bed and 2 more in the seedling pots I put indoors.

I haven't repotted these two since they're still too small and frail. I'll let them grow to as high as 10-15 cm before repotting them, but I have repotted the other two and have taken them outdoors and put them at the corner so they can adjust with the heat and weather but still have some shades to protect them from the afternoon sun.

Well, we'll see how it goes. I'll keep you updated! :-)
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