I've been trying to propagate Lavender from seeds I bought online.
But they never grew. Don't know why.
So, when I went to a local nursery here, I saw this false lavender plant. The blooms are beautiful, and though it is not as fragrant as the real ones, but it also has a weak delightful scent.
This purple blooms plant is called Angelonia Salicariaefolia. It has apple scented foliage and if we rub the stem and foliage it will secrete a kind of sticky sap that will stain our hands.
Angelonia Salicariaefolia is a tropical shrub that's very easy to plant as long as you keep the soil moist, otherwise, the foliage will easily turn yellow and dry up.
Ever since I bought this plant from the nursery, I have never stop harvesting from time to time. I just cut the flowers near the base and leave some suckers to replace the old ones and then applied more compost, and they will bloom again in 2 weeks time.
It is also very easy to propagate Angelonia Salicariaefolia through cuttings because the stems will send out many suckers. So after harvesting the flowers I just cut the stems (the ones with suckers) and replant them, and put them under the shades and keep the soil moist, and in 2-3 weeks time they will grow. Sometimes I just replant the stems that have rooted in the vase by cutting off the spent flowers near the suckers and replant them. Just that simple!
Oh, and this plant will thrive better if they receive enough sunlight. And you'll never need to spend money anymore to adorn your house with fresh cut flowers because now they come right
from your garden!