Monday, December 15, 2014

Planting and Harvesting Onion

 Sorry for not updating for sometime, I had some problems with my computer last week. My Windows7 wouldn't let me access my computer 'cause I canceled the file-compressing process half way. And I had to be without my computer for about a week. Thank God for a good church friend who happened to be a computer expert, who helped me with helpful advices on how to reboot my computer in an effort to save all my data.....and thank God it worked!!

By the way, I actually want to share about how easy it is to plant onion from onion especially in the tropical weather where Sunshine is abundant! There are three ways of planting onions and for more information on it you can click here

As for me, planting onion from the bulb is the easiest. I just burry onions I buy from the market, leave it and it will grow. I mix 1 part of soil with 1 part of cow/goat manure and a generous amount of organic matter, ie. mature compost . And I make sure to keep the soil moist not soggy, because soggy soil will cause the onion to rot(from past experience).

Below, you could see the onions I harvested today. One cluster of onions is bigger than the other. Just keep in mind, if you want to get bigger size of onions, then you have to choose 
the biggest bulb to plant! 
Still, both clusters are edible! :-)

So, when can we harvest the onions? This time I didn't keep a record of the germinating time 'cause in the first place I just wanted to get some spring onions from it, that I mostly needed for cooking. So, it wasn't planned! Therefore, I can't tell you exactly how long it took the onions to grow in order to produce mature onions. It's quite fast though if we plant it from the bulbs, I guess it's just about 3 months or so, however, I'm not really sure.  

But don't worry, there's one hint that can be an indication for us, that is the falling, wilting and drying of the leaves. Once the leaves fall by themselves, just let it wilted and dried. In my case, I left it for about a week to be thoroughly dried before I extracted it, cleaned it from dirt, and dried them under the sun for several hours, before I brought them inside to further hang them for another 2 weeks to be completely dry, so that it will be good for a long-term storing.

I just germinated more onions today, and this time I will keep a record and I will update more details later. Why not planting along with me? It's very easy, and self-planted-organic-onions will soon be available in your kitchen!

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