Having a small backyard or rooftop orchard is very rewarding. Though, it's a small scale harvest, it is worthy of all the hard works and always be anticipated!
When I started gardening, some people sneered me by asking "Why should you be bothered with planting your own veggies and fruit since it's not very expensive to buy in the market, compared to all the expenses you have to spend for all the pots, soil, compost and manure?"
Well, they're maybe right. Organic gardening doesn't mean that you can produce cheap veggies and fruit because your expenses is higher since you have to use a lot of compost and manure. Especially, for the initial cost as you need to purchase pots and stakes, water tanks, sears, watering can, sprayer and other minerals such as epsom salt, rock ash, dolomite and so on...
But for a long run, it will be very rewarding and can reduce your spending. Especially that organic veggies and fruit are very pricey! Not to mention how this activity can bring balance back into our hectic and busy life and help us reconnect with the nature and with our CREATOR. If not for gardening I wouldn't really care for good insects like ladybug or mantis or finding that green bean doesn't need help in pollination and will be best planted at the end of summer or close to rainy season here in the tropics! See how gardening draws us closer to have a better understanding of how the nature rolls on.

Well, I may still be harvesting small scale of fruit and veggies, in this case, I have so far harvested tomatoes, mangoes, pineapples, green beans, spinachs, lettuces, kales, swiss chards, water spinachs, eggplants, cucumbers,bitter gourds, okras, moringa, paddy chilies,lemongrass, ginger, onions, leeks, spring onions, roses, amaryllis,and false lavenders, etc. They're probably enough to feed a couple of people and some birds, but the joy and satisfaction is abounding!
Just take a look at this succulent mango! It can never be compared to any mango you buy in the market or store! Because it's organic, pesticide or herbicide free and also free from any chemical fertilizers! It's sun-ripen and as sweet and melting in your mouth as honey! And the fact is, I haven't bought mangoes for months, because my produce is enough to satisfy my appetite.
It's worth all the hard works, trust me!